タワーレコード「NO MUSIC, NO LIFE.」、リクルート「ゼクシィ」、サントリー「ほろよい」、東京メトロなど、既存の枠に捉われない数々の話題の広告キャンペーンを長く手掛ける。
2008年から3年間MCを務めたNHK「トップランナー」を始め、NHK Eテレ「福島をずっと見ているTV」、TOKYO FM/JFN「風とロック」、ラジオ福島「風とロック CARAVAN福島」等、各番組のレギュラーパーソナリティーとしても活動。創刊100号を数えたフリーペーパー「月刊 風とロック」の発行人・編集長でもある。
ロックバンド 猪苗代湖ズ ギタリスト、風とロック芋煮会実行委員長、
LIVE福島 風とロックSUPER野馬追(2011年)実行委員長。
Born in Fukushima in 1964.
Graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts, Department of Design, Faculty of Fine Arts.
After spending 13years at the Hakuhodo agency, he established his own creative boutique “KAZETOROCK” in 2003.
As a creative director, he led a variety of greatly successful ad campaigns such as “NO MUSIC, NO LIFE.” for Tower Records, “Zexy” for Recruit, “Horoyoi” for SUNTORY and Tokyo Metro to name a few.
He was the TV host for “ NHK Top Runner” from 2008 to 2010, radio DJ at TOKYO FM and Radio Fukushima, while also becoming the founding editor for the free newspaper “KAZETOROCK” now publishing its 100th issue.
Professor at Tokyo University of the Arts
Creative Director of Fukushima Prefecture
Honorary Director at “Shibuya no Radio”
Guitarist in the rock band “Inawashirokos”
Executive chairman for “KAZETOROCK super nomaoi” in 2011
He is an all encompassing talent, with successes in multiple disciplines such as, his creative works as planner, producer, director, photographer, actor, writer, teacher, songwriter, TV host, Radio DJ, event organizer, and product developer. His past experiences has created a "one of a kind" who thinks outside of the box to develop advertisements with uniquely remarkable perspectives.